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Frequently Asked Questions


The Basics

Yes, we do. US investors can invest in their own individual Separately Managed Account at Fidelity or Schwab. We can handle both taxable and tax-advantaged accounts, such as IRAs. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of the SMA structure, please click here for additional information.

Non-US investors from certain jurisdictions can invest in our private offshore fund. For all Elm products, we charge a 0.12% per annum management fee, which is inclusive of all operating expenses, and we charge no incentive or other fees.

Here are three links containing descriptions of our investment approach, in increasing order of detail:

More than 400 investors have trusted us with over $2 billion of their savings. Please see our most recent Form ADV for current AUM as of the latest filing.

The core of our investor base comes from the financial industry – both active and retired professionals – though our systematic approach has also resonated with successful professionals from technology, medicine, law, and entrepreneurship. The typical Elm investor is 35-60 years old and has accumulated substantial savings. The rigor behind our methodology has also attracted many in academia – including current and former finance professors from Columbia, Stanford, UPenn, and Harvard – alongside practitioners who value our transparent, research-driven approach.

Elm Wealth manages a substantial fraction (>80%) of the liquid, non-real estate assets of the Management Team, i.e. Victor Haghani, James White, Jerry Bell and their immediate families.

Account Details

For US investors, our Separately Managed Accounts have a $1mm minimum, assessed at the family level. For our private Cayman-domiciled fund, Non-US investors from certain jurisdictions are eligible to invest with a $1mm minimum.

In both strategies, we offer minimum waivers on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us to discuss further.

The primary reason for our $1,000,000 SMA minimum is for us to be able to keep your costs low, in terms of us being able to deliver our services for our annual fee of 0.12% per year.

We are happy to consider accepting ETFs and Index funds you already own into Elm’s investment program for your Separately Managed Account. If the instruments are part of Elm’s current program or can reasonably be mapped into Elm’s program, we will typically accept them. For taxable accounts, on a case-by-case basis, we will also normally help you evaluate the costs and benefits of holding the legacy instrument versus switching to a lower-cost or better-structured similar instrument (if available). Once these assets are accepted into your account, we will routinely evaluate whether to continue to hold them based on all our usual criteria, including but not limited to Elm’s target asset allocation, transactions costs, expenses and tax considerations (for taxable accounts).

We hold assets with the following institutions for each of our products:

For US investors:
• Separately Managed Accounts at Fidelity or Schwab

For non-US investors:
• Our private fund – JP Morgan, Interactive Brokers and Fidelity

Many advisors charge higher, “fat” fees for smaller accounts, and the “right” fee for their largest accounts. At Elm, we simply don’t do that. We view 12bp as the absolute minimum marginal rate we need to charge, and we give that to all clients regardless of their size. We don’t know of any other advisors whose “top-tier” rate is below 12bp, and we have never charged a client less (not including Elm staff and families).

Getting started with Elm is intended to be as painfree as possible.

For US Separately Managed Account clients:

  • Using our Online Onboarding, prospective investors can either add Elm to an existing account at Fidelity or Schwab or use our portal to open a new account
  • Once your account is open, we’ll work with you to establish your portfolio baseline and dynamic scaling
  • Following account funding, the portfolio will be invested during our next weekly rebalance.

For non-US investors in our offshore fund:

  • Please contact us to receive the fund’s Private Placement Memorandum and Subscription documents

How Elm Works

We’ve put a great deal of effort into making each taxable SMA as tax-efficient for a US investor as possible.

In our core SMA product for taxable investors, we re-balance each investor’s portfolio approximately every week, and our systematic rebalance algorithm attempts to optimize between minimizing realized short-term taxable gains, maximizing realized short-term taxable losses, keeping the portfolio within certain bounds of our target risk allocations, and minimizing transaction costs. We also try to minimize realized long-term capital gains, but we place significantly less emphasis on this relative to the focus we put on short-term gains. Because many of the dozen-or-so core risk markets we invest in are related, and several instruments are generally available per market, we can often achieve a much better tax result for our investors than if we just naively re-balanced each market without thinking about taxes.

Despite the higher expected turnover of our dynamic approach compared to a static approach that re-balances back to fixed weights, there are several subtle but significant effects that, together, yield high expected tax efficiency. First, the momentum overlay is what generates most of the additional turnover compared to a static approach, and its nature is to generate frequent but small short-term capital losses punctuated by less frequent but large long-term capital gains. Second, our portfolio turnover generally takes the form of buying and selling a small ‘top’ slice of the portfolio, which typically has relatively low built-up gains or losses. Beneath this ‘top’ slice, there will tend to be a more static base layer of the portfolio that can hold a buildup of unrealized long-term capital gains.

By default, all taxable SMA investors benefit from automated tax-loss harvesting, and our system automatically works to prevent tax-adverse wash sales between groups of linked accounts. We also try to earn as much income as possible in the tax-preferred form of Qualified Dividends.

Please be aware that tax performance in a particular instance will strongly depend on the specific path of the market and the investor’s entry point (or points, in the case of multiple investments), and also that tax law will change over time in ways that are impossible to predict. We discuss how tax considerations impact portfolio re-balancing in more detail in this note here, and we discuss in detail the tax efficiency of a historical Elm investment in this note here.

Each of our strategies follows our rules-based asset allocation methodology, an approach we call Dynamic Index Investing®. Please click here for a note that describes in detail the three main components of this approach: the construction of the Baseline portfolio and the value and momentum overlays to that Baseline portfolio which make the portfolio responsive to changing market conditions.

For an asset class to be included in our Baseline portfolio it needs to be:

  • Big and producing undiversifiable risk
  • Investible via low cost and liquid vehicles
  • Likely to carry a risk premium which ideally should be observable prospectively
  • Accessible without requiring specialized selection skill

Asset classes that meet these criteria for our SMA portfolios are public market equities, public market real estate vehicles and government and corporate bonds. Among the many investments that don’t meet these criteria are hedge funds, private equity, venture capital investments, bank loans, volatility indexes, convertible bonds, soft commodities, fine art and other collectibles, and cryptocurrencies. We also do not invest in individual equities.

Our policy is that we do not hedge the FX exposure. For example, when we buy Japanese equities through index funds or ETFs, we hold them without any associated short positions in the Yen/$ exchange rate. So, if the price of Japanese equities in Yen stays constant, but the Yen weakens against the dollar, then Japanese equities will reduce the return of our fund, which we report in dollars. We made this decision for the following reasons:

  1. Simplicity: we invest in the equity markets of over 60 countries with most of them having their own local currencies. Not all of them have liquid and open FX markets. Furthermore, certain FX markets won’t be well described by Elm’s value and momentum framework, making us cautious in introducing this extra complexity into our approach.
  2. FX hedging is not clearly risk reducing for countries whose stock markets tend to go down when their currencies strengthen (e.g. those with significant international trade).
  3. If investors consider themselves global citizens, as many of our investors do, and choose to measure the value of their investments in a global currency unit (albeit with a home bias), FX hedging can also increase risk.
  4. Negative correlation reduces returns: An FX hedge needs to be adjusted so that it stays in line with the value of the equity market it is hedging. If an equity market tends to go up when its currency weakens (and vice versa), then each rebalancing adjustment will be done at an expected loss to the hedger, as it will be necessary to go short more of the currency when it has weakened and to buy it back when it has appreciated, resulting in a significant drag on returns. Of course, the associated transaction costs are a further drag on returns as well.
  5. It is very disturbing that a FX-hedged equity investment can lose more than 100% of its value – sounds too much like leverage for us.

Elm SMAs vs ETFs

The key differences between Elm’s Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) and ETFs are:

  • Customization: SMAs can be personalized to investor preferences with different baseline allocations, US/Non-US splits, and levels of portfolio dynamism. ETFs will typically have a fixed baseline allocation.
  • Tax Loss Harvesting:  SMAs offer automated tax loss harvesting and can optionally split US Broad Equities into individual Sector ETFs to increase harvesting opportunities. ETFs may benefit from the general tax efficiency of the structure but don’t offer individual tax loss harvesting.
  • In-kind Transfers: SMAs can accept existing investments, allowing for tax-efficient transitions.
  • Minimum Investment: SMAs require a $1 million minimum, while ETFs can be purchased in an amount as little as the price of one share.
  • Trading: SMA relationships can be terminated by simply removing Elm’s trading authority, while ETF positions need to be sold.
  • Relationship with Elm Team: SMA clients have direct communication with the Elm team.

Elm’s SMA fee is 0.12% and has underlying ETF fees of approximately 0.05%.  

Note: For taxable investors, ETF fees are typically tax-deductible against interest and non-qualified dividends. This is not tax advice and your specific tax effective fee may differ depending your specific tax circumstances. 

  • ETFs can trade their underlying assets without realizing gains, which makes them especially tax efficient
  • ETFs benefit from in-kind creation/redemption mechanism that can reduce capital gains distributions
  • ETFs pass through their income to their owners – so if you hold an ETF you’ll have a mix of qualified dividends (from US stocks), non-qualified dividends (from non-US stocks), interest from bonds and bond ETFs,
  • You may also a small amount tax-exempt interest from municipal bonds and some foreign tax credits from foreign stock dividends

Access to ETFs for non-US investors depends on several factors:

  • Country of residence, local regulations, and local tax circumstances
  • Professional/institutional vs retail investor status
  • Brokerage relationships and platform access

We recommend interested Non-US investors: 

  • Consult their broker about access to US ETFs
  • Seek local tax advice regarding implications of holding US ETFs in their jurisdiction

ETFs have no investment minimums

  • ETFs have market makers and multiple authorized participants to ensure efficient trading and creation/redemption
  • While bid-ask spreads may be slightly wider than direct SMA transactions, the typical impact is expected to be minimal for long-term investors

  • ETF shares can be purchased through major brokers including Charles Schwab, E*Trade, Fidelity, Interactive Brokers, Robinhood, SoFi, and others
  • ETFs are available for both taxable and tax-advantaged accounts. ETFs can be held in retirement accounts like IRAs and some 401(k)s

  • Shares in ETFs may trade at premiums or discounts to NAV
  • Market makers work to keep the price close to NAV through same day arbitrage
  • A fund’s website typically provides daily premium/discount information
  • The liquid nature of the underlying holdings should help minimize premiums/discounts


First of all, we don’t think we charge a low fee, but rather a fair fee. Others charge substantially higher fees, at least partially because they have to pay for expensive experts to manage their clients investments in a discretionary manner. The structure of our product, being primarily systematic and rules-based, allows us to charge the fee we do.

No. We only charge the 12bp management fee. We do not charge an incentive fee, and our management fee is inclusive of operating costs, such as administration, audit and legal. There are no hidden fees.

Our only management fee is the 12bp (0.12%) we charge and we do not charge an incentive fee.

On trading commissions:
When trading ETFs we pay commission, of $0/trade. When trading mutual funds, we pay $45/trade in and $25/trade out. For a $1,000,000 account equal to our minimum account size, we expect trading commissions to be $0, though larger accounts may see a small amount of trading commissions from mutual funds. Our portfolio management system is designed to minimize total trading costs (trading commissions + market spread) by trading instruments appropriate to the account size – e.g. for $1mm accounts, we will only use ETFs, while for much larger accounts we will use a mix of ETFs and mutual funds while also minimizing the number of trades done on each rebalance date, subject also to optimizing for tax and risk considerations.

On underlying fund expenses:
The weighted average expense ratios change depending on the asset allocation. Depending on the currently held funds, the additional costs have ranged from 0.06% to 0.09% so far. We carefully select the vehicles we use to build our portfolios, and cost is one of the factors that we think is important.

Anything else?
In very seldom cases where clients require a significant amount of extra assistance during the account opening and onboarding phase, we may charge a modest fee to account for our team’s resources. This is a rare occurrence and in all cases, clients will be informed of this before the fee is assessed.

Other Common Questions

Market timing is typically defined as making short-term trading decisions based on attempts to predict near-term market price movements. This is not what we do at Elm. Our Dynamic Index Investing® approach is fundamentally different – it responds to changes in long-term expected returns and risk levels across major asset classes, not short-term price predictions.

When markets offer higher expected long-term returns relative to safe assets, we increase exposure; when they offer lower expected returns, we reduce exposure. We use straightforward metrics like earnings yields and momentum to measure these changes.

Importantly, our dynamic approach doesn’t rely on any market inefficiency to generate returns. We’re simply responding to changes in the supply and demand of capital over time, using transparent rules and broad market ETFs. In contrast, traditional market timing attempts to profit from perceived market inefficiencies or predicted price movements.

For a deeper exploration of this distinction, we encourage you to read our recent note on Static vs Dynamic Asset Allocation.

Researchers have long noticed that volatility tends to rise when the stock market falls, and vice versa. This suggests that for equities a simple Momentum metric can serve as a decent proxy for the level of equity risk. We prefer Momentum as an indicator of market riskiness rather than use a direct measure of market volatility for several reasons:

1) Momentum is a simpler metric, much more readily understood and followed by our clients. We are attracted to solutions that are low on complexity and high on transparency.

2) Implementing a momentum metric involves far fewer choices than required by a direct market volatility metric. With momentum, the main choice is the lookback window, which by convention is 12 months, and whether to use an average of the market level over that period, or the level at the start of the period. We use a 12-month rolling average.

If using a volatility metric, there are many more choices to make, and little convention to ground those choices on. One must choose between realized or implied volatility (or how to average them together) and what horizons and strike prices to use and whether and at what level to put a cap and floor on the level in terms of the biggest deviations from target weights that it could cause. Most critically, we’d need to choose a base level of volatility which would call for no deviation from baseline weights, and to make the not-very-realistic assumption that the base level is stationary over time.

3) Volatility is a much more volatile metric than momentum and would generate much higher portfolio turnover. This was a very important consideration.

Please read our article: Steadfast, Greedy, or Fearful? (2020) for a fuller discussion of this question.

In historical simulations of dynamic asset allocation between US equities and fixed income, the use of momentum rather than a direct measure of market volatility (either short-term realized market volatility or implied volatility of short-dated equity options) generated superior risk-adjusted portfolio returns (see the article mentioned above for more details). We emphasize that such backtests do not by themselves provide enough evidence to warrant applying either approach, or preferring one to the other: past returns do not indicate future performance.

TIPS are bonds issued by the US Government, with a fixed maturity (e.g. 10 years) and fixed percentage real coupon (e.g. 2%). Every day, the bond’s redemption value and coupon payments are adjusted based on the headline Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) Index. If you buy the bond at par and hold it to maturity, you’ll earn a real (i.e. adjusted for inflation) return equal to the percentage coupon, and a nominal return equal to the real return plus CPI. In the meantime, as with any bond, its market value will fluctuate based on the going market real yield for a given maturity.

For additional information, we wrote about why we like TIPS in a research post or see TreasuryDirect for more information about the mechanics of TIPS.

TIPS are designed to protect the real spending power of your wealth over a given horizon. If the frustrated investor above had bought TIPS maturing in four years, her wealth would have much more closely tracked inflation over that period. But while that’s tempting, as we’ll see below, it’s not necessarily her best course.

It’s natural that some investors think of inflation protection strictly as ensuring their portfolio value will rise during periods of unexpectedly high inflation. If that’s truly your only goal, you should buy short-dated TIPS. However, your long-term spending power is impacted not just by inflation, but also by long-term real interest rates. $1 million of wealth goes a lot further when real interest rates are at 4% than when they’re at 0%.

If your goal is to protect long-term spending power rather than the narrower goal of protecting inflation-adjusted wealth, then longer-dated TIPS (owned directly or through ETFs) make sense and are effective. However, just as “no man can serve two masters,” TIPS cannot protect inflation-adjusted wealth in the near-term while simultaneously protecting long-term spending power.

In “Back to the Future: Reviving a 19th Century Perspective on Financial Well-Being”, we discuss why we think protecting long-term spending power is the more desirable objective – and, for readers looking for a deeper dive, we discuss a number of related issues in these two notes as well:
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
A Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing

The question, “Should you buy bonds or bond funds?” gets a lot of discussion in the financial press. We often read that it’s better to buy individual bonds rather than bond funds, as you will never suffer a loss on individual bonds as long as you hold them to maturity. We think this argument is, at best, confused.

If you want to protect against inflation or lock in a real rate of return to a specific date, then you should buy and hold individual bonds, whose maturity will naturally run down as you approach your target date. However, we think this is a relatively rare use-case. Few people, even those getting on in years, have a specific date with their name on it. Instead, many investors either have a medium-to-long and rolling horizon, or are allocating between asset classes.

In either of the latter cases where you’re trying to maintain the duration of a bond portfolio, the mechanics of holding individual bonds versus a bond ETF will be very similar. In both forms, bonds will naturally be running off, and you’ll be replacing them by buying new issues. If the ETF is trading close to its Net Asset Value, as TIPS ETFs normally do, the returns will also be very similar between holding the ETF and a similar portfolio of individual bonds. The main difference will be that the ETF charges a management fee (0.03% in the case of SCHP), but is more convenient and likely has lower transaction costs than managing your own portfolio of individual bonds.

Still have questions?

Talk to our team about Elm managing your wealth for the long run.